Drunk Driving Causes Heartache

23 vehicles: that’s how many were involved in a Bay Bridge collision as a result of one drunk driver. Incredibly, 43 vehicles were damaged in the incident, which occurred after the inebriated woman smashed into the rear of one vehicle, resulting in a chain reaction. More tragically, twelve individuals had to be hospitalized, one with injuries that were life-threatening. It was just one of the many crashes involving alcohol that occur in this country every single day.
National Statistics
Across the nation, accidents resulting in fatalities and/or injuries occur every 79 seconds, all because someone chooses to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while impaired. Nearly 40 people are killed every single day in this country—that’s almost one person every minute of the day. Sadly, out of every three people in this country, two will suffer some impact due to drunk driving at some point in their lives. The numbers in Maryland are pretty stunning.
Maryland Statistics
The statistics are daunting:
- In 2021 nearly 39,000 citations for impaired driving were issued;
- That same year, about 15,000 people were arrested for drunk driving;
- In 2024, 40 percent of all fatalities—227—occurred at the hands of a drunk driver.
Recourse for Families
While it’s true that criminal prosecution of drunk drivers can impact their lives, those laws don’t do a lot to compensate the victims of their actions. That’s why it may be worthwhile for victims and their families to consider a civil suit against the offender. A personal injury lawsuit cannot alleviate the misery, but can provide financial remuneration to address medical costs, funeral costs, lost wages and more. There are four key legal requirements in a successful case. One must demonstrate the following:
- There was a duty to protect the victim, meaning to drive safely on public roads;
- That duty was breached by driving while impaired;
- The plaintiff—the victim and family—experienced injury or death;
- The primary cause of the injury or death was the drunk driver’s actions.
A lawsuit must occur within the statute of limitation in Maryland, which is usually three years from the date the harm occurred.
Contributory Negligence
In Maryland a person who contributed to the harm that occurred may not be able to sue due to contributory negligence rules. In other words, if a drunk driver crashed into someone who happened to be texting while driving, for example, both parties would hold some culpability, meaning that potentially neither could sue the other. The laws can be complex on this matter, so it’s best to consult with a personal injury attorney if there are questions.
Fighting for You
The dedicated La Plata & Waldorf personal injury attorneys at The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A. always fight for the best possible outcomes for you. To discuss your situation, schedule a confidential consultation today.