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Category Archives: Personal Injury


When Parents and Childcare Providers Face Liability

By Hammad S. Matin |

The majority of parents have hosted their kids’ friends in their homes or driven a vehicle with kids’ friends present. In other situations, adults provide childcare for others in their homes.  Many, however, are completely oblivious to the legal ramifications should an accident occur. Premises Liability  The fact of the matter is that homeowners… Read More »

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Pedestrian Safety

By Hammad S. Matin |

Who could have imagined that crossing the street inside the crosswalks would turn out to be deadly? Sadly, a woman was struck by a car in Ellicott City despite being inside the crosswalk. After being rushed to a trauma center, she was pronounced dead as a result of her injuries. You wouldn’t think matters… Read More »

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Hazards for Road Construction Workers

By Hammad S. Matin |

Six highway construction workers didn’t make it home one tragic March 2023 day after two vehicles, each traveling over 100 mph, collided, and one flipped over into a construction zone, killing the innocent and unsuspecting workers. It was yet another reminder of the importance of slowing down and being extra alert when driving through… Read More »

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Can You Make a Personal Injury Claim?

By Hammad S. Matin |

You may be thinking about filing a personal injury claim in order to recoup damages if you or a family member has suffered serious injury or death through no fault of your own. What can you expect going forward? Our personal injury attorneys can answer your questions and fight for the best possible settlement… Read More »

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Healthy Snacks that Aren’t

By Hammad S. Matin |

Apple puree that’s kosher, gluten-free, and preservative-free to boot!  What better snack food for toddlers! You can imagine the shock parents experienced when they learned that their young children were suffering from lead poisoning after consuming these supposedly healthy snack foods!  Recalled Foods  Only after a recall of WanaBana products did some parents learn… Read More »

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Pedestrian Accidents

By Hammad S. Matin |

125 individuals are killed every year while trying to cross a street in Maryland. It’s a statistic that  has police concerned, especially because another 2,900 people are hospitalized with a range of injuries due to auto-pedestrian crashes. Statistics  Across the country, over 70 pedestrian deaths occur every minute.  Here in Maryland, nearly 60 percent… Read More »

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Rail Crossings are Dangerous

By Hammad S. Matin |

The most dangerous corridor in the nation:  that’s what one expert called a stretch of track that runs just under two miles long in Rosedale.  The reason?  The tracks have seen over 40 collisions in the past 50 years or so, the most recent of which occurred in May 2023 involving two trucks that… Read More »

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Keeping a Vehicle in Shape is Important!

By Hammad S. Matin |

The majority of drivers take being out on the road pretty seriously.  They keep pretty close to the posted speed limits, stop at red lights, and try to drive within the parameters of the law more or less.  While it’s true that drivers do make errors or get careless at times, many people can… Read More »

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Drowning Deaths

By Hammad S. Matin |

What do you think is the number one cause of death for kids aged one to four years old?  Would it surprise you to learn that it is drowning? Youngsters in this age range and a few years older die far too often in backyard pools, rivers, and lakes, often with adults just feet… Read More »

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The Downside of Ozempic & Mounjaro Leads to Lawsuit

By Hammad S. Matin |

Weight loss is all the rage these days—for some, it’s a medical necessity.  For others, losing a few pounds would bring more self-confidence as they slip into the old clothes in their closet that they thought they might never be able to wear again. In any case, people choose a variety of routes to… Read More »

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