How to Proceed After an Auto Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault

Auto accidents of all kinds are a fact of life in any state, and Maryland drivers are no different. In spite of one’s best efforts to avoid such incidents, it’s impossible to control other drivers and the circumstances in which an accident might occur. The next question a driver often faces is what to do in the wake of an accident. If it is only your first or second experience of the sort, unfamiliarity with the relevant laws may be costly. In the event you find yourself subject to such an accident and live in La Plata, Waldorf or Charles County, the Law Office of Hamad S. Matin, P.A. may capably represent you in a variety of personal injury cases, including those suffered amid any kind of auto accident.
In the meantime, it’s worth thinking about the steps you should take after being injured in such an accident. Whether it’s a serious injury requiring hospital care or simply the kind that might impact your spine and joints, you may be entitled to damages. Costs associated with medical care, lost work or wages, property damage, pain and suffering are all subject to legal means of redress.
In order to assure that you are well-compensated in court, however, you should take the aftermath of an accident seriously.
What to Do After Suffering Injury in an Auto Accident
The Maryland State Bar Association offers sound advice with respect to what one should do after a car or other auto accident.
The first step after such an accident is always to stop your vehicle and call a police officer to the scene. This is important even after what might seem like a minor accident given that it is sometimes difficult to immediately assess the extent of injury or property damage. Somewhat incidentally, you should also take any possible care to avoid further accidents. This might include pulling over to the side, engaging your warning blinkers or using other means to warn oncoming traffic.
Second, you should collect all pertinent information from the other driver, including their name(s), address, contact information, license plate number and information about their insurance carrier. If possible, you should also obtain contact information from any witnesses who might confirm your account of the events. Meanwhile, you should yourself remain very careful about what you say, avoiding anything like an apology that might concede fault on your part.
Third, see a doctor and communicate with your insurance company as soon as possible in order to document any injuries and damage to your vehicle. Promptness is key in order to demonstrate that the accident itself was indeed responsible for any harms you incurred.
Finally, and importantly, speak with an attorney in order to prepare for any essential litigation.
Contact Us Today for Help
The Law Office of Hammad S. Matin, P.A. is well-qualified to handle a wide range of personal injuries, including any that have occurred on account of an auto accident. We represent our clients professionally in a bid to assure their rights and interests are fully protected. Reach out to our Maryland office today for help.